How to treat Hot Flashes (post menopause) with Dynapharm products

Menopause hot flashes - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Hot flashes are one of the hormonal disorders some women experience after, before, or during the menopause period. 

In this article, I going to share with you how to treat hot flashes with Dynapharm products.

Hot Flashes happen due to hormone changes. It often occurs when estrogen hormone levels decrease which will affect the body temperature.

One study shows that some women experience hot flashes after 10 to 20 years after menopause. More than 8000 Latin Women were reported experiencing hot flashes after 12 years after menopause.

Related article: The best way to treat piles or haemorrhoids using Dynapharm supplements

Don't worry, different people experience differently. If you have known someone who is experiencing this symptom, you may recommend Dynapharm products. 

Dynapharm products that can treat hot flashes

At Dynapharm, this problem can be dealt with the following products listed below:

1. Chlorophyll plus Guarana

2. Red Coffee

3. Spirulina

4. Dyna Tonic

5. Herba Warisan Maharani

1. Chlorophyll plus Guarana - Chlorophyll plus Guarana is a cleansing and detoxifying supplement.

There is a higher chance that a woman who is experiencing Hot Flashes needed cleansing before moving to the next stage of their life.

Chlorophyll helps to purify the blood, which will be helpful since the hormone is carried in the blood. Chlorophyll may help to improve blood healthy.

If you choose to use this supplement, the best way to use it is to take 15ml, three times per day.

2. Red Coffee - Red Coffee is coffee that contains Red Beetroot powder, Ginseng, and cocoa powder. This coffee is found effective in easing menopause. 

Red coffee helps the body form healthy blood cells. On top of that, it contains Ginseng which improves blood circulation in the body.

The best way to use this coffee is to take one sachet twice per day.

3. Spirulina - Spirulina is a supplement that contains various nutrients that your body needs. One study shows that a lack of nutrients can cause hormone changes. Consuming Spirulina can give the body the proper nutrients required which will limit the chance of hormone changes.

If you choose to use Spirulina Powder, you can take two tablespoons per day. If tablets, you can take three to five tablets three times per day.

4. Dyna Tonic - Dyna Tonic is a supplement made from 15 types of herbal medicine, it's found effective in treating various sicknesses. It also contains plants that are found effective in treating many women's sicknesses including miscarriages, pregnancy-related problems, and many more.

An effective way to use Dyna Tonic is by taking 30ml twice per day.

5. Herba Warisan Maharani - Herba Warisan Maharani is a precious supplement that has excellent power to improve women's overall well-being. It contains a plant like Kacip Fatimah which is known to treat many women's problems.

How to use Herba Warisan Maharani: You have to take half of bolus per day or one bolus per day. 

Ginkgo also is an important supplement to use as it also improves blood circulation in the body.

Karrel Hamutenya

News articles writer, covering topics such as sports news, celebrity news, product reviews, and business reviews.

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